To set up a new global space, you require 'Create Space' permission which is assigned by a Confluence administrator from the Administration Console. See Security or contact a Confluence administrator for more information.

To create a new global space,

  1. Click the 'Add Space' link located above the list of spaces on the Dashboard.
  2. The 'Create Space' screen appears, as shown below. Enter the following information about your new space:
    • Space Name: Type a name for the space. Note that space names do not have to be unique.
    • Space Key: Type a simple key to identify your space (A-Z, a-z, 0-9). This key is a shorthand name for the space, used when linking content between spaces, for web URLs and for reports.
      For example, a 'Development Space' might have a space key of 'DEV'.
      The space key must be unique within the entire Confluence site.
    • Permissions: Leave the default settings or choose to allow only yourself to view or contribute content to this space.
      A space administrator can change the permissions at any time after creating the space.
    • Theme: Select a theme for your space.
      A space administrator can change the theme later too.
  3. Click the 'OK' button. (It's at the bottom of the screen, not shown on the screenshot below.)
  4. The 'Home' page for your new space is displayed.
    Note: Your home page will automatically contain any default space content as defined by your Confluence administrator.
  5. Click 'OK'.

Next, you can start adding pages to your space.

Screenshot : Creating a space


Working with Spaces
Setting up your Personal Space
Viewing Space Details
Editing Space Details
Browsing a space
Deleting a Space

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