Configuring Seraph

There are two places you need to modify your web application to configure Seraph. See the concepts document for explanation of the various pieces of Seraph.

seraph-config.xml File

The core of Seraph is configured through a single config file, named seraph-config.xml. This is usually placed in your web application's WEB-INF/classes directory. Here is a commented sample:

      the URL to redirect to when the user tries to access a protected resource (rather than clicking on
        an explicit login link). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'link.login.url'.
      - if the URL is absolute (contains '://'), then redirect that URL (for SSO applications)
      - else the context path will be prepended to this URL

      If '${originalurl}' is present in the URL, it will be replaced with the context-relative URL that the user requested.
      This gives SSO login pages the chance to redirect to the original page
      <!-- <param-value>${originalurl}</param-value>-->
      the URL to redirect to when the user explicitly clicks on a login link (rather than being redirected after
        trying to access a protected resource). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'login.url'.
      - same properties as login.url above
      <!-- <param-value>${originalurl}</param-value>-->
      <!-- URL for logging out.
      - If relative, Seraph just redirects to this URL, which is responsible for calling Authenticator.logout().
      - If absolute (eg. SSO applications), Seraph calls Authenticator.logout() and redirects to the URL
      <!-- <param-value></param-value>-->

    <!-- The key that the original URL is stored with in the session -->
    <!-- Specify 3 characters to make cookie encoding unique for your application, to prevent collisions
    if more than one Seraph-based app is used.
    <!-- Basic Authentication can be enabled by passing the authentication type as a configurable url parameter.
    With this example, you will need to pass in the url to enable Basic Authentication -->

  <!-- Determines what roles (permissions) a user has. -->
  <rolemapper class="com.atlassian.myapp.auth.MyRoleMapper"/>

  <!-- A controller is not required. If not specified, security will always be on
  <controller class="com.atlassian.myapp.setup.MyAppSecurityController" />

  <!-- Logs in users. Must be overridden for SSO apps -->
  <authenticator class="com.atlassian.seraph.auth.DefaultAuthenticator"/>

    <!-- Specifies role requirements for accessing specified URL paths -->
    <service class="com.atlassian.seraph.service.PathService">

    <!-- Specifies role requirements to execute Webwork actions -->
    <service class="com.atlassian.seraph.service.WebworkService">

    <!-- <interceptor class="com.atlassian.myapp.SomeLoginInterceptor"/> -->


There are two filters associated with Seraph, and a servlet, that must be added to your WEB-INF/web.xml file as follows:






Make sure to conform to the web.xml DTD when adding this.