Interface HostComponentProvider

public interface HostComponentProvider

Defines an object that provides host components. Host applications that wish to register their internal components should implement this interface. Classes like the OsgiPluginFactory use this interface to retreive a list of host components to register into the OSGi service registry.

Here is an example implementation that registers two host components:

 public class MyHostComponentProvider implements HostComponentProvider {
      public void provide(ComponentRegistrar registrar) {
          registrar.register(InterfaceA.class, InterfaceB.class)
                   .withProperty("propertyA", "valueA")
                   .withProperty("propertyB", "valueB");

Method Summary
 void provide(ComponentRegistrar registrar)
          Gives the object a chance to register its host components with the registrar

Method Detail


void provide(ComponentRegistrar registrar)
Gives the object a chance to register its host components with the registrar

registrar - The host component registrar

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