Package com.atlassian.crowd.event
package com.atlassian.crowd.event
ClassDescriptionAn Event that represents any operation on a
going via theDirectoryManager
.EnumBasedEvent<T extends Enum>Base class for events containing single enum.Deprecated.Unable to process the event.Represents an event store, which can be used to store events.Thread-safeEventStore
implementation that uses main memory as a backing store.Thrown when an event token is either not recognised or has expired.This event will be used if a Crowd instance is nearing its resource limit.Indicates that the Crowd setup is complete and the server is ready to serve requestsThis class listens for events related to user and group changes and saves them toEventStore
.A cluster-safe implementation of EventStore that uses the entity creation and update timestamp, and the persisted tombstone information to create an event stream.Marker interface denoting events that should be propagated immediately and eagerly, regardless whether a transaction is currently activeEvent for XWork - Webwork change events