Interface VcsRepositoryViewer

    • Method Detail

      • getWebRepositoryUrlForRevision

        @Nullable String getWebRepositoryUrlForRevision​(@NotNull
                                                        @NotNull String revisionId,
                                                        @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData)
        Provide the url to link to the given revision in the web repository
        revisionId - the revision to links to. Should not be blank or null.
        repositoryData - the repository type the commit came from
        a full url string.
      • getWebRepositoryUrlForRevisions

        @NotNull Map<String,​String> getWebRepositoryUrlForRevisions​(Stream<String> revisionIds,
                                                                          VcsRepositoryData repositoryDefinition)
        Provide the urls to link all the given commits in the web repository
        revisionIds - to generate links for. Stream should not contain empty values or nulls.
        repositoryDefinition - the repository type the commit came from
        a map of the commit to its url.
      • getWebRepositoryUrlForFile

        @Nullable String getWebRepositoryUrlForFile​(@NotNull
                                                    @NotNull CommitFile file,
                                                    @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData)
        Generate the link to a given file in a given repository
        file - The file we want to link to.
        repositoryData - For the build (and hense the repository file belongs to).
        The url
      • getWebRepositoryUrlForFileRevision

        @Nullable String getWebRepositoryUrlForFileRevision​(@NotNull
                                                            @NotNull CommitFile file,
                                                            @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData)
        Generate the link to a given file in a given repository at given revision,
        file - The file we want to link to.
        repositoryData - For the build (and hense the repository file belongs to).
        The url
      • getWebRepositoryUrlForFileDiff

        @Nullable String getWebRepositoryUrlForFileDiff​(@NotNull
                                                        @NotNull CommitFile file,
                                                        @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData)
        Generate the link to a given file, showing changes in given revision.
        file - The file we want to link to.
        repositoryData - For the build (and hense the repository file belongs to).
        The url