Class CreateInProjectVoter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CreateInProjectVoter
    extends AbstractBambooAclEntryVoter
    Voter which may allow creation of a plan based on project permissions in which the plan is being created.

    If project level BambooPermission.CREATE permission is granted to the current user, this voter will vote to allow the operation. Otherwise, it will abstain from voting.

    Global BambooPermission.CREATE permission overrides project level BambooPermission.CREATE, so to correctly check permissions, make sure GlobalCreateVoter is used subsequently.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateInProjectVoter

        public CreateInProjectVoter​(org.acegisecurity.acls.AclService aclService,
                                    String processConfigAttribute)
    • Method Detail

      • vote

        public int vote​(org.acegisecurity.Authentication authentication,
                        Object object,
                        org.acegisecurity.ConfigAttributeDefinition config)
        Description copied from class: AbstractBambooAclEntryVoter
        Copied and improved voting logic from the parent class.
        Specified by:
        vote in interface
        vote in class AbstractBambooAclEntryVoter
      • getDomainObjectInstance

        protected @Nullable Object getDomainObjectInstance​(@NotNull
                                                           @NotNull Object secureObject)
        getDomainObjectInstance in class