Class VcsTaskUtils

  • public class VcsTaskUtils
    extends Object
    Utility methods for VCS tasks.
    • Method Detail

      • getCheckoutDirectory

        public static @NotNull File getCheckoutDirectory​(@NotNull
                                                         @NotNull CommonTaskContext taskContext,
                                                         long repositoryId)
                                                  throws TaskException
        Returns the checkout directory for the given repository, given task context. For build plans, the checkout directory is stored in the build context. For deployments, such information is not provided, so by best-effort approach this method will return task's working directory.
        taskContext - task context
        repositoryId - id of repository
        checkout location of repository
        TaskException - on any error
      • appendAffectedCommits

        public static void appendAffectedCommits​(long repositoryId,
                                                 @NotNull String revisionId,
                                                 @NotNull CommonTaskContext commonTaskContext)
        Adds information about commit made by task to task context.